9 of pentacles
This has been my stalker card recently.
Here are some words that come to mind when I look at this card right now:
Home garden
Healing generational wounds
Living with the land
Not complete
Safety and security
Hermit card
At first, I was very thrown off by it. Because to me, this is all about self-sufficiency, self-employment, being fully sustained, and enjoying the fruits of labor. But that’s where I was putting myself in a box here. *Devil card
In looking deeper, 9 of pentacles brought me this message of reassurance and reminded me of my personal power to co-create with the universe. As a small business owner, there are always going to be ups and downs. Lessons that are learned can be among the most difficult in life. I truly didn’t know half of what I was getting into when I began this journey. *Fool card
But that’s how I needed to start: full of hope and blind faith.
9 of pentacles remind me that this is more than just financial security. This is about having the ability to feel safe, content, and grounded. Which is considered a luxury for a lot of us, including me.
I realize for the first time in my life, I feel free to decide when I need to recharge my energy so that I can consider all that has occurred until this point. Earth myself into the land so that I can work with its energy to heal generational wounds.
I’ve been spending a lot of time in our garden. Tending to the growing babies, collecting herbs for cooking or drying, planting new additions to the familia. Luna loves to roll around in the dirt and sunbathe while I speak joy into the flowers.
According to the way I read numerology in tarot, 9 is not a number of completion, it represents unpacking, time for stillness, consideration, remembering our innate abundance. We are not quite at the finishing point yet. And that is quite alright.
We don’t live for the finish line, we live for the journey. Every step is integral and intentional. The in-between spaces are where we can experience our greatest lessons. Remembering the purpose and what opportunities have led us to the present.
This card is tied to the hermit, the 9th card in the major arcana. A card connected to healing in solitude, peering into the darkness, getting down to the details, and self-discovery.
I can’t help but feel held by 9 of pentacles during virgo season. Hermit moments are not scary to me. They’re a reminder that light isn’t possible without the dark. Our shadows deserve space too. My insecurities about not being quite there yet are valid, but they’re not forever. Coexisting with my doubt is intuitive strength.
I know and trust my purpose. I am always abundant and it is always accessible to me. I am the embodiment of fruitfulness.
In love and healing,